My Cebu Blog

Posted: June 3, 2014 in Tuburan, Wordpress
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Mantawihan Spring

Long time ago, during full moon, there was a time that a fisherman saw a mantaga when he passed along the spring. Individuals lived near to the spring told that there were two “Mantaga” or a giant octopus lived the spring who named “Manta” and “Wihan “.  That’s the reason why they named the spring MANTAWIHAN.

After the spots discovered, it turned into the most visited places here in Tuburan. Because of the clear water, it made many people like to swim. However, when there’s a period of time that numerous individuals got a skin disease called “Bun-i” or ringworm in the wake of swimming that’s why they wouldn’t like to swim again because they were scared about the disease. It’s just only a few of individuals who would prefer not to back again moreover, there are a lot of people are still revel in swimming in the spring. Now, the spring was developed and likewise the water come to be sheltered to the said skin ailment.

Here I am strolling down the spring and washed my messy slippers. Roselyn took this picture. hehe

The boy really enjoy swimming. Be careful ‘dong there’s an enormous stone under the water. :)

They do their laundry.

Furthermore, there are some brought water in their home. Remember it is not safe for drinking. :->

The water in the spring truly help our daily living. So, we must maintain the cleanliness in our surroundings.

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